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电    话: 0543-5079866    2252388

传    真: 0543-5079855    2252377

Company profile

Shandong Lufeng Agricultural Group Co. , Ltd. is located at No. 56 Rongchang Road, Wudi County. It was established in February 2009 with a registered capital of 30 million yuan, with wheat, cotton, grass, soybean seed production as the main business scope, annual sales income of more than 50 million yuan, annual R & D investment of 3 million yuan, 68 employees, which is senior technical titles above 3 people, senior technical titles above 6 people. Set up the department of Improved Varieties Engineering, technology promotion department and other business departments, the Central Plains grassland, purple nonghua, Lu for jinhe, three eagles navigation, Green Wind Agricultural Institute and other subsidiaries (units) .

The company actively carried out land circulation, in the county town street a total of more than 12000 acres of planting base, including more than 5000 acres of alfalfa planting base.

The company pays attention to the scientific and technological innovation, takes the good seed good law as the platform radiation to drive the farmer to become rich, it has the production and operation license for genetically modified cotton seeds issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and rural areas, the import and export production and operation license for genetically modified cotton seeds, and the import and export production and Operation License for grass seeds issued by the state forestry and grassland administration, new Research and development institutes at the provincial level, the Strategic Alliance for technological innovation in Binzhou's forage industry, provincial engineering research centers, municipal engineering laboratories and municipal key laboratories have been set up. The cotton variety “Central Plain 804”, “Lumian 532”, “Shandong Mian 258” and “Shandong Mian 522” were independently selected and approved He has obtained 5 invention patents, 18 utility model patents and 3 software copyrights, and published 5 core journal articles.

The company actively flexible introduction of talent. Under the guidance of academicians such as Chinese Academy of Engineering Chen Xuegeng, Yu Shuxun, Zhu Yuxian and Luo Xiwen, integrated and integrated technologies such as the beidou navigation autopilot system, under-mulch drip irrigation and cotton harvesting, etc. , promote the“Grass-cotton rotation” planting model. Drafted by the company“Cotton rotation” 3 related papers were published in the National Journal.

In May 2020, a field visit of high-quality grass was held at the company's Liubao town base to show the oat grass harvest and short-season cotton planting site, and in May 2020, the 2021 Green wind company successfully undertook Shandong province“Grass-cotton rotation” innovative production model site observation, showing short-season cotton harvest and oat grass planting site; May 2022, 20232023 of high-yield and high-quality forage grass on saline-alkali land to demonstrate and promote the whole process of mechanical application of forage.

In May 2018, the Alfalfa Association of Wudi County was registered, in May 2019, in May 2019, in December 2020, the Strategic Alliance for innovation in Binzhou's forage industry was established, the trademark “Wudi Alfalfa” geographical indication certificate filed by the Green Wind Institute of Agricultural Sciences in Wudi County has been approved. In the same year, “Muhe” brand alfalfa powder won the well-known brand in Binzhou Province, the company's seeds were nominated for the 7th Mayor's Quality Award.

For more than 10 years, the company, with the care and support of departments at all levels, has been constantly improving its scale and efficiency, and has also been recognized and recognized by higher-level units, it has been designated as a state-level high-tech Enterprise, a key leading enterprise in agricultural industrialization in Shandong province, a leading enterprise in poverty alleviation at the provincial level, a provincial innovative enterprise, a provincial“Specialized and special new” small and medium-sized enterprise, a provincial-level regional cotton seed breeding base, a provincial rural revitalization service base, a gazelle enterprise, a national cotton seed production county seed production base, an AA-level credit evaluation unit for the Chinese seed industry, the grass industry branch of the China Animal Husbandry Association, the grass industry branch of the China Forestry and Environmental Promotion Association, and the vice-chairman of the Cotton branch of the China Seed Association.

Address: No. 56, Rongchang Road, Xicheng Industrial Park, Wudi County, Shandong province

Tel: 0543-5079866   2252388 

fax: 0543-5079855   2252377

电话:13954383887 传真:0543-5079855 0543-2252377



